Sunday, July 26, 2009

Black Feather

One of our favorite rabbits. He is probably going to be our next house rabbit. The nice thing is he does not chew things up. JACK!


  1. Are you saying Jack is going to die soon? :(

  2. No, No, No, Cecelia. Its just that your mother needs a house rabbit and Black Feather would make a nice one even if Jack is OK. In fact with the hot weather of late, a week of high 90's up to 107 degrees we have put the outside rabbits inside on the really hot days. We put them under the family room ceiling fan and have a breeze box too. They did not look happy in the hot hutches outside. It's a little better inside even without air conditioning. Black Feather is adapting more and more to house life. He is acting like his dad, Muddy Face as he sniffs and scratches and licks your mom when she is sitting on the couch. Right now he is in the front room all stretched out in the coolest place he can find. Jack is showing his age but so am I and so I'm lucky your mother is not trying out someone to replace me. Pets are a lot different than humans, I keep reminding myself. See you soon. Love, Dad
